A whole blog post dedicated to Fit4Mom. Whoa.
Where to even start?
How about here: When people used to ask me how I spent my time as a mom when I first had Asher, I would embarrassingly choke out the words "Stroller Strides." I could not say it without laughing or making fun of the name. Now I hand out fliers like a mad woman and talk to every mom within ear shot about Stroller Strides. (And it helps that Corporate re-branded to Fit4Mom, thanks gals!)
I am obsessed.
The amazing Ellen Wilcox (also owner of Pure Energy Dance Studio- check it out!) opened a Stroller Strides franchise in Bryan/College Station in April 2012. I happened to enter a drawing on a friend's website to win 10 free classes... and I won! Good thing I did. Pridefully, I was always the type of person to judge those who spent money on exercise. As a runner and avid fitness video fan (That's real. I love them), I felt like people should be able to exercise for free any time, anywhere. Just grab your shoes and go for a run, ride your bike, walk to the grocery store, etc. Spending money on a gym membership seemed like such a waste of money. But then I went to Stroller Strides. I cannot express to you how sore I was after that first class. Somehow, in all my running and 80's workout videos I missed out on some serious strength training.
Anyways, I used my ten free classes and found myself in a dilemma. Do I betray my standards and pay for a membership OR stop going to a class that I had unexpectedly grown to love? I picked up a little job on the side to pay for a membership.
Not only did I find myself getting stronger, but I found myself forming friendships with women in the same stage of life as me. This became a treasure. Being at home with a baby can quickly become isolating, especially when it's your first. Your day is a blur of feedings, changing diapers, trying to get the baby to sleep, and then every blue moon you can maybe change out of pajamas or brush your teeth. The women at Stroller Strides were in the same trenches as me. A mom would show up late and NO ONE would wonder why she was late. A third of the moms had some sort of bodily fluid from their child on their clothes, no one batted an eye. A baby would cry while the instructor was talking and no one would be annoyed. And somehow we all managed to get in a challenging workout while tending to our kids and swapping stories about the sleepless night before.
In the Spring of 2013, I became certified to instruct Stroller Strides and Fit4Baby classes. One of the best decisions I have made in my adult life.
There is quite a bit that I dislike about the conventional fitness industry, i.e: the focus on how you look, the motivation to be sexy in a bikini, having the best body around, blah blah blah. It truly makes me cringe.
When people ask what I do, I feel the need to explain that I do not work for a typical fitness company and that my goals for my mama clients are not for them to post a picture on facebook in minimal clothing with their new hot bod.
"Functional fitness" is what I shoot for every single class. When I incorporate bicep curls, it's because my mamas are doing that same movement to lift grocery bags out of their car trunks. Deadlift- same movement for putting a baby down in a pack n' play. Upright row- folding up a stroller to put in the car. Squats- bouncing an infant to sleep. I could go on a on. These are things that I noticed in my own life when I joined Stroller Strides. Holding Asher for long periods of time did not make my arms burn with pain any more. I could lift all my laundry at the laundry mat without hurting my back. Stroller Strides truly gave me strength for motherhood.
Everything else is secondary in my perspective. If my mama clients lose weight, wonderful. Some may feel more confident wearing shorts, more power to them. Others may be relieved to not have as much arm flab, fantastic. But if my moms can take care of their families and do daily life with more strength and knowledge to protect their bodies, I feel like I have done my job.
Is fitness the end all? Absolutely not. It's a small slice in the realm of holistic healthy living. But our bodies are the vessels to carry out our lives. When I am sick, I cannot be around others to show them the love and kindness of Jesus. If I am injured, I am barely helpful around the house with the kids and keeping our home running smoothly. When our bodies fail us, it affects everything.
Fit4Mom offers several programs. Here are the ones that I am certified to teach and LOVE!
Stroller Strides: You bring your kiddos with you in the stroller for a 60 minute workout incorporating cardio and strength training. Asher loves going to play with his friends after class. Malia loves it because we sing kids songs instead of counting reps (genius). I love it because I get to hang out with other moms, laugh about things our kids say, vent about parenting, simply share life together. Did I also mention there are weekly play dates and once a month Mom's Night Out??
Fit4Baby: I cannot think about Fit4Baby without getting teary. Prenatal health is so very important. Seven months in the womb of someone not receiving (or actively pursuing) prenatal care wrecked Malia's little body. This class is for expecting mamas. Bonding about the aches, pains, and joys of pregnancy while taking care of themselves and baby via exercise - just beautiful.
Body Back: This is an 8-week program that focuses on more high intensity exercise partnered with nutrition/food journals. It's for moms (of any age!) who want some time to re-focus on their health and take some time for themselves to do it. How refreshing to workout with women in all stages of motherhood!
If you are a mom, I encourage you to go to fit4mom.com and search for the franchise closest to you. I cannot promise that the moms in that franchise will be as hilarious as the ones in Fort Worth (seriously, so funny) or as ambitious as the ones in College Station, but I have a hunch they will be pretty awesome. Or off the record, just grab your stroller and a friend and go for a walk! Be in community with other moms, get some fresh air, and take care of yourself.
After graduating from college, I never would have thought that my personality and passions would lead me to teaching fitness classes. But here I am and I absolutely love it. I can't imagine ever teaching classes at a random gym. Leading classes full of women who are up to their elbows in baby poop, or waddling around due to their pregnant belly, or women who have not slept in 5 years because they are taking care of their kiddos is so incredibly life giving to me. I walk away from each class filled up. These moms care so much about others, that they want to take care of themselves enough to do it well. That's inspiring.
Love me some Fit4Mom. Spread the word.