Saturday, November 26, 2011

Valuable Lessons Learned During Thanksgiving Break:

*Expect minimal rest the night before leaving.  Otha and I were up at least every two hours the night before due to a series of leaks- rain leaking through our ceiling, milk on the bed, Asher’s urine, Asher’s poop, then topped it off with Asher’s spit up.   As much as I could laugh it off, my fatigue level did not find the night quite as funny.  Thus in the spirit of Thanksgiving: “I am thankful for coffee.”

"Mom, it's difficult being a baby.  Cut me some slack."

*When traveling to the beach, pack for EVERY weather situation possible.  The first day at the beach we were freezing due to the cold, aggressive wind.  Contrary, our next adventure at the beach provided excessive heat, making me wish I had remembered my swimsuit.  And let me tell you, I already have wardrobe anxiety.  To have made an extensive packing list for the family, checked everything off, then to find us to be unprepared upon arrival- borderline devastating. 

First day: cold and windblown.

Second beach trip: basking in warmth.

*Don’t expect your 4 month old to love his first experience at the beach.  I had day dreamed about Thanksgiving break when we would introduce Asher to the massive, overwhelming, and gorgeous environment of the ocean.  He would put his hands in the sand and smile, wade in the water with our help and laugh.  So much joy, so many beautiful pictures… expectations failed.  Biggest frown face ever.  Our little boy rejected the surprising and cold rush of water on his feet and the grainy texture of the sand.  Not to mention Asher sports very pale skin, causing the sun to take victory over his complexion.  Eventually I surrendered my dreams and put Asher on a blanket in the shade, far from the water, with his familiar rattle. 

"This is the worst."

"Dad, why is there sand on my feet? Seriously, look."

*Asher loves dogs.  We will not be getting one any time soon.  Trying to get Asher to sleep with dogs barking at a loud volume does not conclude in a successful nap.  Not to mention monitoring dog and baby interactions.  Making sure Asher doesn't pull the dog's hair...  Watching the dog to make sure it does not bite Asher...  Wiping dog slobber off Asher's hand before Asher puts said slobber hand in his mouth.  It's almost equivalent to a young toddler interacting with a baby.  Despite my love for dogs, they will not join the Graham family in the near future.

"Here Willy, eat my hand."

*When running a Turkey Trot, your pride will tell you to keep up with the children in the race.  Kick your pride in the face.  Otha, Ari, Kevin, Asher, and I all embarked on a four mile race the morning of Thanksgiving, which seemed like a good idea at the time.  In the midst of the excitement pushing Asher in the jogging stroller past other runners, I felt like I could fly.  When pushing a baby you get more cheers, high fives, and external motivation than running solo.  However half way through the race, my energy was fading… and continued fading well into the afternoon.  I was down and out with a headache, blurry vision, and nausea a good portion of the day post crossing the finish line.  The image of me trying to catch up with an elementary school girl during the race kept haunting me while I downed ginger ale.  

"Look guys, I earned a medal for only crying once during the race." 

*Take every opportunity to put your child in a jacket with ears on the hood.  No need to explain, you can see for yourself...

Overall, we had an incredible time in Corpus Christi with the Graham-Gossett family!  Nothing beats a holiday spent with family.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Ramble of Sorts

Things I LOVE about this time of year...

*Weather.  Although I love myself some scolding hot summer sun, the weather right now is gorgeous!!  I can wear shorts with a t-shirt, jeans with a sweat shirt, skirt with a sweater... the possibilities are endless!  As for Asher, he prefers long sleeve shirt with shorts.

Another great thing about this weather is increased motivation to go running.  Seriously best running weather.  I can run at any point in the day without getting heat stroke or frost bite.

Side note:  Otha and I went running yesterday and almost died.  I wish I could brag that it was difficult because we ran 10 miles at a 7 minute mile pace.  We ran... 2 1/2 miles.  Slowly.  Otha has more of an excuse since he pushed Asher in the jogging stroller.  Can my excuse be 4 months postpartum??  This time 2 years ago we were training for the Austin Half Marathon, young and spry.  Now, we are putting along the side walks wishing our bodies weren't acting like they are 80 years old.  Seriously our conversation after the run went something like this:
That was a terrible idea to go running!
Yea my calf and ankle are killing me.
My muscles were alright, but I don't have good cardio anymore.
Your face looks really red.  
I'm exhausted...
Maybe one day we will be back in tip top shape... after the kids are out of the house.

*Upcoming holidays.  Once Halloween comes around, I feel like the next two holidays are within reach.  Thanksgiving is an exciting time because we have a reunion with Otha's family- trust me, it's never boring with the Graham family.  Then Christmas we spend with my family- woo hoo! AND Otha gets significant time off for both of these holidays, which means more time to hang out with my hilarious husband.  Time with hilarious husband --> me laughing more --> me in a good mood --> life running smoothly in our household.

This is what happens when I am stressed out:

Really I don't know how pictures like this happen.  One day they just show up on the camera and I am in shock.

I have already listened to Ross King's Christmas album because it gets me that pumped up about the holidays.  If you have never listened to it... or purchased it for that matter... do it now.  Trust me, I am not a big music person and don't recommend people to buy music often.  But this CD excites me about the victory of Jesus from the time of his birth unlike any other Christmas music I have EVER listened to.  And to all you who think "I can just download it somehow for free because I am sure he is a wealthy artist who doesn't need or deserve my money"- you are absolutely wrong.  This family is graciously giving of their money, talents, time, home, etc... If you like any part of me that has changed since high school, you can thank the King family for discipling me and welcoming me into their home throughout college.  Go to iTunes right now.

*Food and Drinks.  This time of year it's crucial to consume anything pumpkin flavored.  Confession- I don't even like pumpkin that much.  Pumpkin pie... no thanks.  However, I love me some breads, cookies, coffee with an undertone of pumpkin flavor.  I love walking into a house and being immediately welcomed with the aroma of fresh pumpkin bread or even an autumn scented candle.  Even better though, this season will soon become one of all things peppermint.  Yum.

There is also something about this time of year that doubles my coffee consumption.  An alluring hot cup of coffee in the midst of a cool morning makes getting out of bed a lot easier.

I cannot talk about cool mornings and not think about how stinking cute Asher looked on his first cool morning walk with Allie and I...

Most of all I love enjoying this time of year with my two favorite guys.  The first year I knew Otha, he was in Morocco for the fall and then last year I was miserable pregnant and didn't even want to go outside.  So this year has been great enjoying the autumn time with my main man.  Of course, bringing out little bundle around for the first year has added an immense amount of joy to an already great season.