Thursday, March 1, 2012

Moving Right Along...

So our offer was accepted Tuesday and our closing day is May 1st.

I am still in awe of the past week and trying to process everything the Lord has done in us.

By the time our 2 year anniversary comes, we will have bought 2 cars, a house, and had a baby.  I am not sure if that should be labeled "efficient" or "crazy".  Either way, God has provided immensely in all of those situations and we are consistently overwhelmed by him.

As if buying a house is not enough, we are opening back up to fostering.  I emailed the lady in charge of a local fostering agency and it was perfect timing.  She is hosting an orientation on Sunday (which we have already attended one) at which they will decide the schedule for the next set of training classes to get certified.  Also, I had been emailing back and forth with another young woman that we met at our orientation back in the fall.  My last email to her had been November 1st and I had not received a reply.  Weird, but no big deal.  She emailed me out of the blue last week asking if we had taken training classes yet because they are wanting to get certified now.  So who knows, we might end up getting certified with them!  How fun!

It has been way too long since I have posted pictures of Asher.  He is too cute to not share with the world:

Classic Asher smile

Little farmer boy

Our new favorite game, funny every time.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I'm so glad that things are going well for you. By the way, Asher is simply adorable!
